
よろしくおねがいします ♡
Basic Info:
♡ jamie |✩| riri
♡ female • she/her
♡ 02/10/95
♡ happily taken by the loml • 02/14/18
♡ isfj-t • defender type
♡ general/social anxiety
♡ native english but studying 日本語
× baking • cooking
× photography
× video games {puzzles/jrpg}
× pastel colors
× fluffy things
× plushies
× animals
× film {horror} • ghibli
× psychology
× novels {ya/thriller}
× voice actors • seiyuu
Favorites♡ Hataraku Maou-sama!
♡ Kyoukai no Kanata
♡ Shiki
♡ Zankyou no Terror
♡ Corpse Party
♡ Danganronpa (especially ultra despair girls!)
♡ American Horror Story (S1&2)
♡ Yamishibai
♡ Hannibal (TV)
♡ Pokemon
♡ Barakamon
♡ Shirokuma Café
♡ 下野紘
♡ 漆原半蔵 / ルシフェル

Stuff About Me!!
hiya!! Most people know me as Riri due to social media/games so feel free to call me that or come up with your own nickname for me!!I'm honestly very quiet and keep to myself most of the time but I like talking to & meeting new people, but I'm not great at initiating conversations.I like taking photos of flowers & the sky. I collect penguin related plushies (& tigers!) and really anything else cute. My favorite character of all time is Urushihara Hanzou from HataMaou.I bake in my free time!! I'm not very confident in my skills but I usually post about it on twitter/Instagram sometimes. I also really enjoy watching films and talking about them!
Previous MMOs
Perfect World International
✦ Retail: Rilos, demon WF @ Heaven's Tear
✦ PW BlueDragon: Syria, demon/dual spec EP // Rilos, demon WF
✦ PW EliteKingdoms: Rilos, demon WF
✦ Epic PW:

Animal Crossing Info
I'm Riri from Ente Isla, located in the Northern Hemisphere. My native fruit is apples and my native flowers are pansies.
My switch friend code is 1014-2617-0432.
My AC-related stuff can be found on @enteislan.New Horizons is my second ever Animal Crossing game! I started playing New Leaf in late 2018/early 2019, however NH is the one I've had the most enjoyment out of so I consider it my first real AC experience. I also played Pocket Camp for a little while but didn't really enjoy it that much. I hope to meet lots of new Animal Crossing friends. ♡
Island Visitation Info
※ Important!! ※ I currently have limited access to Nintendo Online so please ask if I'm able to accept visitors before asking to visit at a specific day/time as my online subscription may not be active. Thank you.I currently have all fruits and all basic flower types. If you need any let me know!! I usually have a lot of extra seeds from flowers.
At this time I am currently not trading hybrid flowers as I'm slowly working on them.My island is always open for Nook Store, Able Sisters, Leif shopping, recipe crafting, touch trades, turnip selling/buying, meteor showers, general visitations (incl. fishing/bug catching), etc. No tip or entry fee is ever required for any reason.
I only ask that you please respect my island the way you would respect your own, and that you please don't pick any flowers or fruits or shake my money trees without my permission.
Social Media & Links
Other Places
× FC: SW-1014-2617-0432
× PSN: Ririkins
× Discord: Riri#1612
Alternate Profiles
× Photography @meikirii
× Food @ri.treatsTwitter
× ACNH only @enteislan